Looks like I was for the most part the first person out there. There was one other hole drilled, but it was only about 10' from shore, and looked like it had been long since it re-froze over. Stupid me forgot to bring out a ruler for official measurements, but I'd say we moved from 2-4" since the last time I checked to 3-4.5", depending on the spot. With that being said, I wouldn't doubt there are a few spots that are still under 3", and aren't safe yet. Can't stress this enough: BE SAFE. Drill holes and check thickness often, and bring ice picks. Better safe then sorry. Now, onto some pictures!

Got about 6 holes drilled in total, and it was pretty consistent all around. Luckily there was a guy on lunch break sitting in his car at the ramp who was nice enough to tell me "Don't worry! If you fall in, I'll call the ambulance!" - Gee, thanks for putting that in my head.

I did notice a lot of people checking out what I was up to out there, and a good handful of them looked like ice fisherman. Had one guy ask me how the ice was as I was leaving, so I can definitely tell I'm not the only one who's itching to get out there.
You probably won't see me out there tonight like I had originally hoped. But with single digits tonight and tomorrow night in the forecast, you can be sure I'll be out Friday and Saturday.
Again, I can't repeat it enough, be safe, be smart. Don't go out alone, and definitely don't stay out past dark alone. If you need a fishing buddy, check out one of the many links on the sidebar. Most forums have "Open Seat" opportunities where you can tag along with another fisherman. Keeps you both safer, and helps you meet some great new people.
Thanks joe for your input about the ice like the site going out to grays bay tomorrow I will post to the site thanks again
ReplyDeleteAwesome! And thank YOU!
ReplyDeleteFeel free to let us know how you did! This isn't just a blog about how well the fishing's going for me, this is (ideally) about how the fishing's going around the entire lake, so any reports, and input, is always welcomed.
Good blog man....I fish tonka primarily so hopefully this will be a site that really takes off I'm usually in a frabill magnum two seater and drive a red F-150 if anyone ever sees me out there stop by and say hi!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot! There seems to be a good deal of people who fish Minnetonka scattered across the web, so I'm doing what I can to bring a few of us together so hopefully we can all get on some fish this hardwater season.
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely keep an eye out for you. See ya out there!
Hoping to be out on grays this afternoon with a buddy, thanks for the ice reports. If its all safe we will be out there in a blue clam base camp.